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The Online Photographer: Hello, Kodak?
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Blog Archive

Friday, 16 March 2007

Hello, Kodak?

by Ken Wronkiewicz, Wirehead Arts

I noticed lately that a few films I was playing with were hard to find—most specifically EPT (Ektachrome 160T) and EPJ (Ektachrome 320T)—and dealers were mentioning that they thought it was discontinued. However, there wasn't an announcement on Kodak's site. Finally, I called Kodak and asked them.

Apparently EPJ has been out of production for over a year. And EPT has been out of production for some months now. I asked the guy on the phone why there wasn't an announcement about the film being discontinued. He told me to go to a URL on the Kodak website and that there should be a notice there...and then confirmed that the website didn't contain a discontinuation notice, even though the film was out of production.

Then, I found out something I didn't even realize I needed to ask about...



Featured Comment by David A. Goldfarb: Kodak introduced four new Portra color neg films this year, and Scott DiSabato, representing Kodak at the film desk at PMA last week, said that B&W is strong right now at Kodak, expressing enthusiasm for regular special orders of Kodak B&W sheet film in ultra-large format sizes.

Fuji has two new films, mentioned by one of the commenters to this post.

Ilford has also been running special orders for ULF and odd-sized sheet film shooters, and has been doing R&D on a Delta 25 film.

If anyone is interested, here's my film-user's review of PMA.


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